Modeling ABC by Wilfried Eck




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CVE Markings I Markings CVE A - M

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Markings of the US Navy

Markings seen on Escort Carriers until June 2nd 1945

As explained in the introductory page, until June 1945 "tail markings" were a matter for each squadron and were by no means official markings of an aircraft carrier.

Actual photos were used to make the  following paintings as accurate as possible. Assorted by time. Not shown are units which carried only numbers.

Profiles copyright Wilfried Eck and Srecko Bradic; text copyright Wilfried Eck

Captions as follows: Type of aircraft, unit, confirmed time of use (day/month/year).

"AG" = Air Group, "VC" = Composite Squadron, "MCVG" = Marine Carrier Air Group